BcA. Karel Komorous
Finished study: Bachelor in Photography and audiovisual arts (studio of Marian Beneš & Marek Štim) at VŠKK
One-year internship: Fine arts III (intermedia, studio of Michal Pěchouček & Dominik Gajarský) at UMPRUM
Current study: Master in fine arts, OBJECT – SPACE – ACTION (studio of Jiří Kovanda & Jiří Pitrmuc) at FUD, UJEP.
I am ready to photograph architecture, events, portraits, landscape, etc.: komirous@gmail.com, Instagram
Exhibitions and performances
Musical performance with Eizola at NOV1 curated av experience event (New Media 1, AVU), Kulturní centrum Klubovna, Prague. 29/10/2024
Musical performance with Michal Dore and visuals for dj set of Samuel Drevenák (more info) at studio performative event Slumber party (UMPRUM, VU3), Punctum – Krásovka, Prague. 01/06/2024

Object as a part of a studio exhibition Živočišná transformace II (FUD, OPA) at Pivnice Resslovka, Ústí n. L. 24/04/2024

Musical performance with Michal Dore at vernissage of a studio exhibition Sip the Fountain (UMPRUM, VU3), Pergamenka, Prague. 14/03/2024
Group performance with collective HKD at dernisage of Brloh není nora, galerie Bunkr, Most. 13/03/2024
Collab performance combining poetry reading and dance impro at HUSH HUSH event, Husovka café, Prague. 04/12/2023
Print as a part of a studio exhibition Brikule (FUD, OPA, 22 artists) at Pokoje show, Prague. 10/11/2023

Project "where you may look" exhibited and reading own poetry at Kontinent Festival, Rožnov p. Radhoštěm. 21/10/2023

One of my poems published in Hraničář magazine. 09/2023

Group performance at music festival Podtvrzí with collective HKD, Krásno. 21/06/2023

Group performance with collective HKD at vernissage Caught Up By Words, Dům umění Ú.n.L. 06/2023
Group performance –SELF with collective HKD for Drama studio based on Peer Gynt play, Ústí n. L. 05/2023
3 of my poems published in Foesie magazine. 12/04/2023

Print and object as a part of a studio exhibition Párky (Duos) (FUD, OPA) in FUD Embassy, Prague. 09/11/2022

Exhibition Směsy (Blends) in Duhová paleta gallery, Karlovy Vary. 02/11/2022

Photos printed as illustrations in the third Prahoproject publication. 23/10/2022

Audiovisual project Inbetween exhibited in culture space Ultravagant along with the reading of young poetry authors which I organised, where I read. 18/06/2022

Photo serie exhibited as a part of the project Students Photographs the Agriculture for the National Museum of Agriculture, Prague. 10/05/2022

One photo as a part of the exhibition Vladimír Kozlík and his students, Nová síň, Prague. 12/04/2022

Exhibition in the Duhová paleta gallery in Karlovy Vary along with students of SUPŠKV. 03/11/2021

Photo published in Divadelní noviny (Theater newspaper). 05/10/2021

Exhibition in Skautský institut along with the reading of young poetry authors which I organised, where I read. 13/09/2021